Sunday, August 29, 2004

Ode to Ma Fishy

His name is Feisty Boy Elektra Two
Elektra One having died at SMU
Where the water and air sucked eggs.

I got F.B.E. Two cause I killed double J’s Taki.
And no no no, I did not make him a super maki.
Taki the Good Fish, for his food he begged.

F.B.E. Two is fiery red, a mean bugger
He gets really excited to see his Mugger.
(That’s me, he can’t pronounce mommy or mother.)

Me and F.B.E. Two saw the world.
We traveled in Pris’s red jet liner, The Saturn-Esque.
We fought monsters when we met:
Fowl and gerbil, scaring a lady and her Nurble (dog that is.)
F.B.E. Two paid Pris no mind
But me! Grrrr, rawwwwr, he jumps me behind.
Snappy! Snappy!

Ode to ma fishy, Feisty Boy Elektra Two,
Dat boy loves his momma, and fishy, I’s adore you.