Thursday, June 20, 2024

learning early not to fly

they’re not all winners

my thoughts, my decisions

I think ninety percent and do ten

still too oft there’s a disconnect 

‘tween envisioning and execution 

like the clay whale I made

in fifth grade I keep in a box

most thoughts I never voice

skirting the wall for crumbs 

is safer than foraying 

for cheese on the table 

“…to the girl with the mousy hair…” ~ Life on Mars, David Bowie

Monday, June 17, 2024


time and space to sit

parse thoughts into this

and that now and then

marvel at the shape of

things how they grow

in sun in shade in the

crevice ‘tween rocks 

where they slunk away

“…nothing to hold on to…” ~ Ring on the Sill, Cowboy Junkies 

my dog wakes me with a pounce

wake a baby 

get sudden dirty looks

then an emphatic sigh

and a flop back to sleep 

there is no tit for tat

‘round these parts 

did he ask, sit for me while I paint you

pulling out the darkest red

is this what was he saw

or what his desire desired

or puzzled machinations  

the artist and their intent

admired then stored

in a box on a shelf

Tahitian Women on the Beach, (1891) Gauguin

these days

most mornings 

there’s a man of 

indeterminate age

sitting on a stoop

on the street 

calling in Portuguese

“um cão, um cão“

extending a palm 

focused many fly

by workers working

by waiters waiting 

by signs signaling 

those looking lesser than

what is deemed of worth 

with Birdie tightly close 

on her leash lowly

commanded to Hold

her gaze waiting for Ok

the busy street we cross

welcomed by ”bom dia”

and stares from passers-by 

as the man of 

indeterminate age

sitting on a stoop

on the street smiles

“I don’t do too much talking…” ~ These Days, Nico


Sunday, June 16, 2024

by sheer stubbornness if will

pushing forward 

pushing daisies 

not quite yet 

“My existence is a chore…” ~ The Great Hope Design, Sevdaliza


rhyme and meter well beyond grasp 

I gave and sold the world 

the words I’d learned, knowing never last

coming and going, ticking boxes

on to the next

shut the front door!

freedom bought and sold

to the years of labor

it’s realization traded

for a plot of land and home

somewhere with sky and sun

a place to sit and sleep 

a place to manifest 

space to be alone;

we all have dreams

and ceilings to shatter

prisons to escape 

but does it all matter?