Friday, November 28, 2014

the passing of days

Seems like forever
            since she’s been
            the Good-luck Girl;

but the spacing between Fascinations
has inched from months into years
measured by too many Degrees
and boredom with the offerings

            are the passing of days
and the growing older
            while staying younger…ish

she lives in a limbo of learning
            and perpetual hope
            difficult to suit

“You can never win or lose
if you don’t run the race…”

            ~ Psychadelic Furs, “Love My Way”

Saturday, November 08, 2014

the ache of bones

winter brings
what is not a sadness,
but a stilling
a slow stretch of calm

and the ache of bones
and the ache of hours

Monday, October 20, 2014

in the after

she is happy in the concreteness of a thing off-kilter
as long as there is breath and flesh, laughter
and the unconditionality of impermanence
or the other way around…

she never knows this in the moment, though
only in the after
where she lives again
happy in the white space…

between words


sun-lit sparks then char
the surface cools

black smoke turns white
and the air that fueled
is the air that belies

it’s just her heart

she carries it with her


On the tipping-edge
of a mooring point
Valhalla teeters;

In falling there is a knowing,
and the earth ever her beloved

where men fall short.

Saturday, October 04, 2014

life is bigger

In fevered dreams
I had always dreamt
            of sitting
in long grass on a cool day
feathered braids falling
Buffalo grazing

While you were dying
I found solace in myself;
within me

the strength of a Nation gone to war.

Monday, September 29, 2014

little heart tethered

stiffly she stretches
to walkabout, still
in the haze of Soma, unshaken
even over the hours of years;
little heart tethered
to the sun and the moon and the stars
ever drawing her forth

“One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.”

Friday, September 26, 2014

the air that sparks

The curve of his hip and thigh
the air that sparks
and the words
between them;

won’t let her move on
despite the ever distance.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

vision quests

her body wants to push a fever
sans peyote tea

the new ink, setting slow
it’s in her breath and bones
a dull ache and weight

a mourn of never was
in each shallow exhalation
flittering shadows
on the back of heavy lids
a long deep ohhhhhm

on the brink teetering
her body wants to push a fever

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

the same old fears

Nestled on the knuckle of my left thumb
there’s a c-shaped scar
with large hash marks slashed at intervals
from black waxed thread
a tiny woman in tall heels painfully stitched.

It covets a glass shard close to the bone, grating.

Monday, September 08, 2014


This morning I stopped
in the road for a large man
who motioned with his hands urgently,
then emerged again with a shovel
bravely scooping Honu
gently and gently laying him
in the tall grass; cars piled
behind me, behind him,
no one honking.

Honu, about his business,
slow, going into the brush.

she think she pretty

Evernew, she walkabout
all bobble-headed
in her skin, bones rattlin'
each stomp a waddle,
a heavy drag then lift of the foot.
She don’t care,

She think She pretty,

Thursday, September 04, 2014


Gilgamesh skirts Valhalla’s shore
Where Ragnorak once turned and went
She coos and calls, and throws him bones

While he plays quite the coy gent

some summers

Some summers the heat just…
sinks in bone deep, overtaxing
the body, the brain, the heart;

Shade affords little reprieve
and cool water turns warm
well before it hits the lips.

Even the sloughing of skin proves vain.

Even the shedding of...

things burrowed deep where
some summers the heat just
sinks in...

yet it all feels further
than the nearest star.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Elephants journey to a yard of bones

that girl asleep in the shade
limbs askew with moss and dust and drool?

she unfurls to find the days, the hours, the years had got behind
and her Electric Demon powered down still standing

in the distance, Elephants journey to a yard of bones
ease their bulk low to the ground

Ladybugs land about her
whither into the dust

her brow furls into a frown 
before a deep sigh hits her hard.

something has snuck in, a flutter just off center
that thing that woke her?  could be a Yearning?

and she sighs again, to the low hum
of her Electric Demon powering up

dead eyes now a'fire

doors in limbo

All around me I hear
doors opening, closing
clocks ticking
indiscreet voices purring
machines in their low hum;

I fold into a limbo
of being here
of fitting in
of being not quite hired

All around me I hear
doors opening, closing
I fold into a limbo

of being…

Sunday, August 10, 2014

on tamales

New third-floor neighbors across the way have been pulling their blinds all the way up at night. I see them in silhouette. I don’t care. I still walk about in various stages of dishevelment, my own blinds askew. Tonight, sitting in my bra and slip at my desk, eating "southwest vegan" tamales that are mostly just black bean, I drown the tamales in local salsa verde to get some flavor. Scowling, I vow to never trust southwest-anything again. Writing, looking up to think, my gaze goes directly into the neighbor's window and someone hastily closes the blinds. A girlish man? A boyish woman? To the right, more blinds open. They've painted a wall bright cherry red. And those blinds shut with a snap. It was okay for them to look unobserved, but not to be looked at in the same way.

My blinds stay as-is, my state of undress stays, as-is. I’m too focused on the Texas heat, on writing, and on my late night, semi-tasteless southwest vegan tamales to feel the guilt they tried to infer withe snapping of their blinds.

Wednesday, August 06, 2014


It could be her
It could be…another
It could be no one in particular
Or a thing imagined
Or a thing ghosted
            from past interplay

Isn’t that the way she thinks?
            The way she writes?

That girl kicking out…smooth
          in the floating backstroke
          gazing at the sepia-Gray sky
          creating her own calm
              her own buoyancy
              her own groove 

of being still

letting the current take her...places

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

a thing interrupted

in the Gray Matter
there’s a gray space

where her wild things roam

where square pegs are chased
            by round holes
where doors are halls
            and halls are doors

a space where she waits
            for the unknown
            for a thing…


learning to breath

Twelve years dead
            Two years numb
            Ten years living
                        AT the speed of light
                        UNDER water
            a slowing
            a learning
                        to breath
            a knowing

it’s okay

Saturday, August 02, 2014

that girl

Take me to the fair again?
Feed me
fried foods and laughter,
arms entwined
holding hands
we'll ride the rides
more than tipsy;
And on the morrow
after little sleep and
flesh on flesh,

I will kick your ass out the door

So…call me…
take me to the fair again?

as was

she was not herself these past months
with you, she was something…more...
it was only a moment, but she knew herself
knew you;
possibilities scared her, thrilled her
you took her…as is;

Returned her, as was,


Saturday, July 05, 2014

tiny supernovas

Of all the things she’s wrote,
many were more born of hopes and dreams,
than of things
never manifest.
They were…thrills in a fleeting moment.
They were…pleas for someday.

Today, all the things she wrote
in tiny supernovas…            

Monday, March 10, 2014


when a lover leaves
an imprint lingers
like a lost limb

the trickery burrows

and I can feel you still

Sunday, January 05, 2014


I offer mint
to cleanse the pallet, but

No, he says,
I want the taste of the meal to linger

We had a meal rich with onion and garlic