Friday, November 26, 2004

There, there is her sadness
Quite deftly articulated.
Though not retreating
May be
More quiet
And you may have to come
For her.
She can only reach so far in silence
Without knowing.

The dawn brought soft light from
The Twilight of Eve.
I want to step into
The nude sunrise blinding
The moon sharp like cold metal.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

They don’t speak
Don’t know their minds.
All they keep
Is to themselves
Their days of nothing
Filled with fluff.
She don’t know
What else to do
So she cook
She feed her man
And he happy
For a while
And she think
All is good.
Sad sad ladies
‘Round the world.
Won’t be me.

Unto no man can her respite
Unravel, shedding whispers
Against warmth of arms embrace.

She hangs with them in need
Of human interaction and simply
Cause it seems you don’t want her.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Her weary soul in silence
Cries like kitty in the dark
No one to hear. Wondering
Is there no one to care.

Where is her angel? Where
Is her sanctuary. Only
Death comes calling
To court her life. Death
And hardships’ toil.

Words unsaid she grasps
Air reaching for the star
She longs to guide her,
Comfort in simple desire.

Hand falling, volumes
Emoted between the lines
Unwritten. She thinks
Her happy heart is breaking.

She gives even unto
The weeping for herself
Only solace found in
Sleep of night. And the need
To mourn that she has
Nothing, no one.

Wants to back off
To quit. Wouldn’t let her
Before. Will he now.
Should she try.

And all the others always leaving.

She plans her holiday with friends
At the pub. Wanting no more than
To retreat afraid if she does. She
Plans her outing for the day after
To shop for novelty for herself.

Martin, love, life has me down.
And your dad dying, Pris’s Gram, dying,
Steven the bastard offing himself,
Lee’s baby finally coming and that case
They stuck him on and I can barely breathe.
Oh honey, this fucking year is shit. And all
I really have is me.

Don’t commend me for my strength
I long to fall into ice blue dreams I speak
Volumes to between lines unwritten.
I am weak and in the needing of flesh.