Thursday, October 21, 2004

Solace. I dream
Of mountains and cold
And the sun that shines
That is my god. Nature.
Of beaches and walking
Lithely on tiptoes through
Crowded streets moving
Swiftly around and beyond.

I am understanding more
Each day and It brings me
No closer to any save myself.
I am solidifying beautifully.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I awoke tangled
In bears and linens and sweat,
After too many hours of sleep,
The fever I know is there will not
Break. Hand on womb, thoughts turn
But I am scared to retreat from others
Even you to save me.

I am not attracted to weakness
And it is unbecoming of me.
Slowly the spirits sinks when
The body of it’s nourishment is depleted.

All this and I keep smiling, humming, I am happy.