Sunday, February 28, 2010

at the speed of light

little Capricorn-girl...
to make a plan.

Eight years
is a long time to mourn your brother;
so now you know
you can kill a man.
You can look into a helpless eyes and tell him
“You are going to die.”
Now you know you can help him to it.

Eight years
is a long time to mourn yourself;
so now you know
you can kill a feckless girl
one that could only grow so far without Death
You can look into her soul and tell her
more than words convey.

Eight years
is a long time to live
at the speed light.

little starry-eyes...

the last few splinters of your supernova
are trickling in,
the core is re-forming.
Now you know
you can survive the shatter
and come back another way.