Wednesday, August 06, 2014


It could be her
It could be…another
It could be no one in particular
Or a thing imagined
Or a thing ghosted
            from past interplay

Isn’t that the way she thinks?
            The way she writes?

That girl kicking out…smooth
          in the floating backstroke
          gazing at the sepia-Gray sky
          creating her own calm
              her own buoyancy
              her own groove 

of being still

letting the current take her...places

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

a thing interrupted

in the Gray Matter
there’s a gray space

where her wild things roam

where square pegs are chased
            by round holes
where doors are halls
            and halls are doors

a space where she waits
            for the unknown
            for a thing…


learning to breath

Twelve years dead
            Two years numb
            Ten years living
                        AT the speed of light
                        UNDER water
            a slowing
            a learning
                        to breath
            a knowing

it’s okay