Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Monday, April 24, 2006
my heart

Oh how
my heart beats
loud lately...
base and drums -
wapow! In a
little flutter,

for my southern
summer to come, in heat
of passion for hot concrete
the burning and the quenching
thereof, a

to write; so much in
my head feels fine
and sure, ready to be

in search of
transcendence sweetly,
the word "God" strangely
comforting though so far
am I from the norm it is
aloof, surreal
misleading to
the socio-god-kin, damned
that ever I learned
the term: prevalent

and fell into
the love of Marxist theory,
bare, buttock raised high
ready for that first
sting of flesh

Oh how
my heart beats
loud lately...
base and drums -
wapow! In a
little flutter,

Sunday, April 23, 2006

In shallow breaths
I breathe the breadth
of continuum; shake on
oxygen intake, eyes
a blur. I stir the heart
to beat
tick-tick-tick. Time.

Saturday, April 22, 2006
i can almost...

I think I can transcend
neither of the body
nor mind
nor spirit
but by bringing together

the whole to include Eros
and soul.

its just there behind my
eyes on the tip of tongue
in gentle sighs and aches.

point blank notly
I tend to know what I should say before go,
ahead, before I think a thing and how
it should
then probably or not
play out.
Oft times my mind cries dont go there!
but in rebuttal the heart demands but I want
I want
and she gets for she has got so little in
a priori and prior.

Therefore the question is
Alas poor Peach,
to allude or not to allude!
(As I hold the skull to light...)
Do I guide to the ends in mind or step
lightly back in laughter
let it be - although all and both
is done in laughter, coos, boom-ba-boom,
wants and needs -

Either screws the thing, the girl,
you see and yet
the being screwed is really in
the minds ability to follow
the domino affect through

(She has played out lifetimes never lived.)

Rather sucks for all;
but there is more than one path up to
the mountain tops scenic view: some
lay in gentle walks; others with rig
and rope; a spanking or two; maybe


Take a sip a tea, love, deep breathe.

My stress is money,
if I had some I would hire
a person to take care of it all...and me to boot.

I was just thinking, what was I thinking?
Ah yes, of my appetite, my voracious eyes;
my plate feels full in panic, I am well pleased
and yet my philosophy could be seen a tease.

I found, am finding myself
ego and id at play so soft it shines
on my face and glow of my skin.

Thats what you see, want, although
it probably helps that I have
and ass
and legs that never end. oh yes
and grey matter enough to spar albeit brief
(for comes a shiny and I am off
on a different thought smiling.)

Can you
and you
and you
and yes even you accept me slightly -
non-conformist view?

Until ready, I cannot, will not
be consumed and even then
consumption may be past and beyond me
for I wrap up sweetly letting
the pleasure of words flow
through me.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Is goddamn hot in this forge
'specially in the long
of my blessed August in Texas.

but my arms grow strong
my lungs breathless-ah,
my repartee slick like a tack
or is it sharp like grace. Damn.

But I strike hammer to raw word
and blowoh holy shit can I blow
molten golden sand into sweet, sweet
yeah that's what I meant, glass.
(Though I admit to a keen distraction
of and by shiny things and naked ass.)

Wordsmith-y, Wordsmith-y
I toil
double bubble toil and trouble, I trouble
them thangs - fret no end -

iron into eagles,
rills into thrills flowing through
soft coos and giggles into

boom-ba-boom, (that's me heart)
on a pitter-pat groove I open
and the mountains spill

struggle within socio-conformist bounds

I slipped full into
the moonlight waxing,
waning poetic. Not
everything is about
or you
or you
or yes, even you.
some things that crowd
my mind; plate full
I simmer, stillness all

(Double, double,
toil and trouble;
Fire burn and

tummy a rumble, -God
I hope it's gas-

It is the east
Arise fair sun and kill
the envious moon.)

...or will my heart stretch
that wide;
or does it need reprieve.
But I ask you, Ra,
Is it really good to want

Thursday, April 20, 2006
the healing art

My older brother who is younger than I,
finally do days pass when oft
you are found in nary a trace thought.

I twirl in my new found peace.

little ditty

One cannot scout out
to feed thy muse but wait
for offerings left upon thy plate.
In dedication to one who would term himself a lesser diety while I would name him Ra; he is too humble of his breadth of being and how brightly he shines;


When the day
is said and done
each of all our friends
home having had their fun,
turn to me in thought
and send
a smile that
touches sweet, no end
and only
then is my heart complete
and may I sleep;

do not ever fear
my Gentle-Heart, to
want and yet not; I
am here and near
and in
this life let us cling
to friendship's folly
something fierce,
deep and calm, for
I am me, you are you, and we
are simply two
in a multitude of many.
Oh how
blessed is the concept of fluidity?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I was almost glad
(heart beating wild)
when the link didn't load.
I mean
was I doing?
But I deliberately copied
the link, read on.

I think I wanted
to cry, wanted
to remind myself
I know how to feel. That I
am genuine and not some
now and then
"hey what up".

seeds in fragmentation

I awoke at 5:33
face down
struggling in seemingly
a drugged-out stupor,

(I dont do drugs.)

my body restless from
a molting mind:

I am not the brain you think I am;
conceptually I stumble brief taking
many readings to comprehend
on occasion and other times I could
you get the first
word out.
I call it being blonde.
I call it being me.

It hurts.
That you didnt.
Get to know me.

There is something in your eyes
your words sadly somber, your
ecstasy comes across too cool.

Today I am ravenous to feed
on thoughts and words and sinew
I can almost taste the blood of teeth
sinking sweetly into flesh anew.

I know the meaning of hunger.
I know the meaning of denial;
it's a river in Egypt land.

She calls to
s, its in
the sweetness of her skin
the challenge in her eyes
the essence of her sighs.
They drink, she smiles
they fly goodbye.
She lyrically lay prone,
prophetic, poetic.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006
three thoughts on tuesday

Call me thy Peach

I have four names
someday mayhap
I shall have five
and even still may
revere my youth
and drop to three.

Regardless of calling,
move I forward on
the wind

Deja entre nous

Your specificity lay in keen
insightful remarks but off
and away, ambiguity does
suffice, endear, and

unlike my lover last when
you are here you are
when not you are near. He
was simply far-between-


They call it crush cause
it kills, it hurts and they
call it falling for it feels
like skinned knees coming
clean; only may we heal
later, much later after
the embedding of concrete
bits in flesh picked clear.

Monday, April 17, 2006
lost my place

Forced myself to sleep
now lost is my train
of thought and sense
of relatedness to all.

I feel fuzzed, sweat
pooling tween breasts
too heavy, fans not
enough to quench
yet sure enough to
with words and the
whir of blades humming

Sunday, April 16, 2006
passions do beat

My passions do beat
breathe, sleep and eat
like Texas heat, my love
since I was just a babe.

Yet bring me soft waves
of temperate ardor now
and again that in solitude
I may recall how full

felt I in the midst of it all.
dreamt i of flesh
Dreamt I of
a smooth expanse of flesh
flush cheeks
as hands crawl across cool
soft sheets
to reach and
I awoke

so hot I could not sleep
to familiar back beats
boom was me and thee
keys that faded off, sweet
my muse
was fed and hungers still.
logic of emotion
In visage
the dream
of which
young girls
lose sleep:
in Soul
I slept
sound for
Young I was

up the mountain

I foresee want
on the horizon
in the distance.

There is want now
as much as allows
by knowledge
intellect of sex is
only on the outs
when skittish

the heart folds
for it governs
this being taut.

I pushed the last
pushed till away
he went sooner

whereas perhaps
it may have been
later, but I in my

infinite wisdom
want a thing
and dry,
May I temper
thee on the path
up the mountain.

Yet also may I
find my keep.

fly away
people come
people see
they get they need
they stretch, form.
then they move on

and it's alright.

Saturday, April 15, 2006
something was lacking

I remember when I had
an extra pair of hands
to help fold the sheets
only they never did.

I recall when I had
an extra pair of ears
to listen to my sorrow
only they were deaf.

there was strength
with which to carry me
weakened from the start,

there were arms
with which to hold me
less capable than his heart.

But mostly do I recall
the extra pair of eyes
to see me for myself
but they of course

blindly led me to
the decision to divorce.

funny where you find things...

Brief but in the mind
flickers bright thought
of something coming
on the make barely;
You, lid on contained
I swelling to the spill.

Both in flux, we press
the tease, tongue sweet
on flesh in the eves
we meet and breeze
sheets a tangle, please.

Friday, April 14, 2006
Tea grows cold
as I stop in reply.

My heart blocks
at points (protecting)
it knows not to pass
so I am only able
to want as deep
as I am let, yet
love as deep
as I require. I stop

in thought, fingers
on lips as I gaze
out across the sky,
tea cool and sweet.

I drunk deep, stretch
and form the words.