Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Leaving Texas

good people in Texas

they’re hard to find like a


firefly in the city

or a slow drive down a 

one lane country road


windows down and 

music up, singing off-key


while my heart beats 

a yellow rose in a

star-bright hue


hand in dirt, hand in water

stoking embers of an

unspoken thing

only born Texans know


no holler to quit

the slamming of

the back porch door

I look about, walkabout

soul-hurt with the leaving

but know it's time

Saturday, September 17, 2022

shedding a life

I don’t recall how or when I got this particular ornament, but I was 17 approaching 18 and it was the first Christmas spent with my now ex-husband. I’m pretty sure my life was full of hope and (false) promises, but I can’t recall those either. I know in the beginning he would bring me flowers, flowers pulled from someone else’s yard. In the end though, his mind was anywhere else and I was left in shards from losing my brother. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

singularity dark

in My life

there is no god



only the spirituality of a 


an existence in 

singularity dark


Monday, May 02, 2022

Hey hey my my

 I wore black so long 

I thought my favorite color was gray;

Approaching light

The full spectrum comes into view 

Friday, April 22, 2022

preferring not to

living in the white space

between lines, between words

between the micro dots of ink

on paper, on flesh

where we pause

for breath, for cognition

should pause, but rarely do;

from the fringe, the shadow

unseen we peek, observe

wait to step in

should step in, but rarely do

would prefer not to

Tuesday, April 05, 2022

walk away Renee

entering April

Laura Renee…

fighting fierce

not on your own terms, sadly

but against the gaslighting

that was Mother

observing from a distance

loving you was easy

you were beautiful

even when your sharp mind

muddled; and you had no path

your ashes interred

in the arms of Brother

our stories 


with my own mind aging

Thursday, January 20, 2022

the longest goodbye - a shit haiku called "ereyesterday" which is an actual word

a three year plan is

bullshit when you're ready to go

the day before yesterday

it's goddamn fucking cold today in Texas

 there’s an ache

where my spine hits my skull

but just to the left

a throbbing up a tenseness down

into my shoulder my arm

along my torso it falls flitters

loose loosely away and back again

grasping thrashing

reattaching it coils

around my belly my chi


it’s the years months days hours

the milliseconds accumulated

piling pushing forward and through




always through



where whence how


does the soul manifest in the flesh