Friday, September 26, 2014

the air that sparks

The curve of his hip and thigh
the air that sparks
and the words
between them;

won’t let her move on
despite the ever distance.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

vision quests

her body wants to push a fever
sans peyote tea

the new ink, setting slow
it’s in her breath and bones
a dull ache and weight

a mourn of never was
in each shallow exhalation
flittering shadows
on the back of heavy lids
a long deep ohhhhhm

on the brink teetering
her body wants to push a fever

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

the same old fears

Nestled on the knuckle of my left thumb
there’s a c-shaped scar
with large hash marks slashed at intervals
from black waxed thread
a tiny woman in tall heels painfully stitched.

It covets a glass shard close to the bone, grating.