Saturday, October 02, 2004

I almost wish I had passed you by,
Heart sore heavy, I was not ready
For this depth of feeling.
And yet,
Needed it to grow. I am
Always growing.

Thank you for your words of yesterday
In reply to my inquiries. In quest I seek
To understand where you are so that I,
I can…move forward appropriately.

More questions were there on the tip
Of my tongue gently pondering, more
Frustrated in inarticulate expression,
I could not get what I thought across.
And then you abruptly, stressfully, finally
Got some stuff out and I was glad for it.
This you needed to do.

My confusion had peaked, words said:
Jealousy of competition and desire to keep
Me to yourself; your sir name after my given;
Quieting me at my voicing that we are destined
Not to be. In hindsight these thing should I
Have taken more lightly.

I think I needed someone
Big and strong and handsome
To sweep me off my feet
And it felt like you were it.
Still does rather.

Your words revealed much,
Perhaps some guilt of me,
Perhaps some pressure I
Never intended to apply yet in which my
Aggression spoke volumes.
You know what I want in a way yet
I wanted to say suited
In temperament well, I’d like
Simply the chance to see
Not move you from her to me.
Chance then eventually, who knows.

Things to get through, it sounds
You have a lot of re-evaluating
Within your transition to do and we
In two separate places “right now” reside.

Call me your friend
And speak to me as
You need and in frank
And earnest terms.
Call me your flight
Of fancy truly and touch
Me gently, sweet.
Confide in me, find solace
For I am Sanctuary, always
Have been, always will be.

My inclination
To withdraw is beat
Down by my need
To in simplicity
Exist and be. These
Are my needs.

If I seem less…
Pursuant of you,
It is simply that
In the quietude
Of my mind my soul
Leans back, breathes deep,
Accepts this my place
In your life for now
And yours in mine.

Step back, gaze in,
Uncomplicate things,
Simply breathe deep,
Enjoy. This is how
The soft happy Peach
Grows her branches high,
Her roots deep and stays
True to herself.