Thinking her the artsy type, too full of what, but
Admiring her ink and style,
The Cowboy had said hello, doubting her reply.
The Princess had stalked him as best she could,
Thinking “hunting and fishing? Oh no…”
But she was flattered and intrigued
Coming back with a blush and
After a few pleasantries saying
“Would you like to chat.”
And they did. For hours and days. And they met,
The VR sparks coming alive, flowing over into
Green eyes flashing blush stained smiles at his blue.
She saw him in a suit, her jaw dropped divine.
He saw her in wind blown hair and he called again.
And the ink stained girl smiled.
Each had thought the other too different.
Neither looking for anything.
They had chanced to meet in a VR world of
Fingers fast flying and smileys of broad smiles,
Tipped hats, and an endless blushing and batting of eyes.
They’re days were filled with each other,
Their nights with themselves.
Only the honesty and openness between them.