Here's an email I have recieved:
Subject: nice page
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 09:50:41 -0500
You like to use the word fuck…..hehehehehe
[LOUS] :Sch: Kernlicious [L]
"Quod sum eris"
WELL! dear kernilicious, thanks for your feedback. I can't wait to get a comments seection so that we can discuss things more easily. Yeah, I like to use the word FUCK a lot. First, it's one of my few addictionsand favorite passtimes...that, books, steak, coffee and avocados, sustain me through this hellish life. Further more, I like to drive fast, play my music loud AND cuss, often, and usually at the same time. Makes me feel good. My favorite phrase right now, is "stupidfuckingdillhole". What's yours? ~peach
p.s. I can't spell or type worth a shit, so if you'd like to comment on that...oh, wait, no, that's right, you can FUCK OFF!
tootles, peach!