The ebbing tide eats away the island one grain at a time,
Like the deep sense of loss that grips my soul.
I didn’t need this – lonely contemplation – not now.
I need to be around skin and bones and a voice not my own.
Speak of trivial things, speak of deep issues,
Just…please, speak to me in the confidentiality of friendship,
I cannot lose another.
Worry is in my nature. I want to be a good, kind, and caring person. I want to be whatever you need from me. Let me try? Things just fall into place sometimes, for no reason whatsoever. Strange, it's never happened like that before. Is it the calm before the storm? Or hard years rewarded.
Why would I leave you? Even in your imagination? The road has been long, it has has been difficult, but we are changing and can handle what dreams may come.