Ruby Tuesday fell, say goodbye Blue Sky...
June came and went too fast
I was expecting it to last
At least through July
And hopefully into August
Yet as the weather turned,
So did June – overnight,
As I thought too much
And insisted I had been unfair
June capitulated quickly,
Just as I once had.
And now lost to the touch.
(Yet friend to me anew?)
I mourn, the withdrawal
Of that cool, warmth
The protests, waning into
A sinking depth. Loss.
I am angry at the stars
That made me,
That gave me desire and want,
And the cowardice of self-denial.
I am left lost,
Mourning, the cool kiss
Of breezes not yet touched
By my southern summer’s heat,
Putting June first, I
Wonder at what point
I lost July and…
Found no hope for August.
Yet I regret not June's loss,
Just that it came so quickly...
I savor only that bitter-sweet
And briefest glimpse I caught
Of you