Wednesday, October 18, 2006

damn, i keep forgetting to post here...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I want to say; go I will await,
would chance your non-return
for your free spirit is a part
of you for which I fall and
I would only have you ever-free
never bound, never, no regrets.

Yet in the next breath I would
beg; stay (not long), and let
our wanderlusts together go
farther than either could alone.

love poem uno (caution, f* word)

that first time, no condoms
no intercourse, something to look forward to.

the next I brought them
we used one before
temptation rode in on bare back

and he said there's always the morning after pill
and I said no, not for me there isn't.

and we fucked hard, harder,
making love intermittently
dancing around words unsaid;
no clear definition of what we are
where we are going but sure
to let the other know

I am seeing only you.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

baby steps

and finally I said
you know I adore you, right?
and he laughed low, repeated
you know I adore you, right?
and then he said
he's not going anywhere soon.

Friday, October 06, 2006


Like a deer caught
in a bright glare
against a dark night
am deathly afraid
of being happy...
yet on the brink of it
I may well poise
bright-eyed and

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

like a carny ride

Like a carny-ride
with a few screws loose
I thought

this closet is too big for just one.

So reticent to call I dawdled
then decreed;

come sail away with me.

Monday, September 25, 2006

poem for t.c.

Cool, the breeze lulls languid
as soft I slept and dreamt
dreams of the land I will roam
far and free, ever at home.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

age is just numbers

I called you so pretty.
Your laugh naked
for far too many

hours languid, giggly
we spoke too close
seductive bouncing

like lovers falling;
and I sighed soft
when smooth you remarked

numbers...oh, age is just
numbers, baby,
age is just numbers.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

some days little girls need their daddy

In conversation I realized
my father is aging

I can hear the days lament
still southern
despite his foray out
the years up north
now in the northeast

he made me cry
the way he still calls me
the way he claims
I would love it there
he wants to get me up there
to Seattle
near him and Annie
and the girls

wants to make up for lost time
spent working
leaving us to mother
how he wants to be my father
and how would I
in my independence
finally let him

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

i run my hand along the wall

I run my hand along the wall
recalling other walls
"This one" I say soft
almost unintelligible.

And he gave me that
odd look like men do
and grunted
"gonna take some work."

But this wall, it will be
home; I will paint it
dark creams and vibrant
golds. Like the others.

The walls I sold. The
walls adjacent to the fence
brother's death built.

The walls in my heart
that screamed vibrant reds
and neon greens.

Yet these walls will whisper
welcome home, Wanderer,
stop, sleep, believe.

I promise I will never bind
but open doors to dreams.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

poetry is

in imitation of Carl Sandberg's "Tentative (First Model) Definitions of Poetry"

Poetry is the slicing of the veins,
the bleeding of the soul
the burying of old remains.
Poetry is the scratch scratch
the pen makes; salt
in silent wounds.
Poetry is a long walk, soft wind,
one man's flesh consumed until
her little heart goes on the mend.
Poetry is the physical manifestation
of despair come calling
leaving the tongue to swoon.

Monday, September 11, 2006

patience hard come

calm he/i
old habits and hurt
the ex
too/so much like
never take
the easy way
never never
run again
lend him your love
sweetie, baby he said.

in abject despondence (or bite me e.e.cummings)

3 results for: despondent

–feeling or showing
profound hopelessness,
dejection, discouragement,
or gloom:
despondent about failing health.
melancholy, blue.

melancholia bleu

melancholia balooooo
melancholia balows

Friday, September 08, 2006

a soft prayer whispered

Great Magnet in your wisdom
let him be your vessel...
bring me back to the earth.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

virgins starving

I had forgotten
some things
how much I like
and lips' first kiss
of whispers.
The dragged out
fall down following
was a first;
virgins starving.

creativity or love?

remember you asked me once if i would choose creativity or love?
i chose love
i choose love
there are as many ways to love as there is to anguish.