Saturday, July 15, 2006

june and july backlog

Friday, July 14, 2006

something to do

poets at home
on friday nights
not knowing

whether to wack
off or write

or run up for beer
though her wit
is naturally stoned

enough suddenly
options are forgot

and she sleeps.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

thier bliss i brief chanced to kiss

Known I few,
moments of
beauty. And in
those moments
felt I blessed.

Though wondered I
why kept they
could not be, knew I
to hold they were
not mine. Mourn I

their loss not
instead but weep

their bliss I brief
chanced to kiss.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

sake dreams

last night there were
locked doors, locking
me in, half-lifes trying
to break the boundaries
down with faint claw
sounds but when we came
free of the mazed citadel
there was nothing save
mesquitoes on the water
and all about my face
then homespun theatre
where I lost a handsome
man beneath soft waves.

Monday, July 10, 2006

drunk ass poem

sometime sadness seem sweet
to come in thought too deep
walkin' from bar to car;
them big ass words form
on the tip of tongues
mother fucking huge yet never
come to fruition, lost, coming
down from that sake high.
But brief you thought you had
the answer to it all, almost
but atleast it stopped the tears
cause the walk weren't far.

Friday, July 07, 2006

hot sauce on fries or it was the eighties when

It was the eighties when things changed,
when Dallas became money. Till then
most ate they catfish dry, cornmeal fried
with dill in the tartar and hot sauce

on the fries. We used lard on the biscuits,
lard in the gravy, lard saved by the pound
in huge red coffee cans stored beneath the sink.
We cut up chickens once whole,
knife grinding near the bone.

I won't say Texas was white trash poor
but the food was simpler and simple things
were treats to boys and girls allowed to run
and roam the streets on bikes after dusk.

Life itself changed seemingly overnight
but then I was going from nine to ten,
a new decade dawning, drawing me out
and pushing me in, but it was another time,
another place and I was so young then.

I was free, my own company I kept. But
oh the things I learned as a child!
The things I saw! Yet the mountains were
too high. I learned to withdraw.

Still I eat my catfish dry, cornmeal fried
with dill in the tartar, hot sauce on fries,
think on summers gone away
and recall how that girl almost died,
how hard I've fought to keep her alive.

on napping

soft in the summer heat
lulling, lazin' 'bout the day
in and out of dreams
the fan a whir, soft breeze.

redwater and recollection

In visage and heart
divine enough to weep,
he left me knowing
he is just a man.

Left me craving
the frailties of a man.
Left me with memories
sweet, unconditional.

He left me
with the feeling
my life had been graced.

When he left,
he left me standing
strong with Redwater
to recall we touched.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

wall of voodoo - ring of fire

some distinct sounds
I want to burn to my skull
before their boom fades
and I am left a silent hull

doo da doo da doo
dum da da dum dum dum

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

politics, education and dumb-assed-ness

And here it is. I've done my thing by voting but I can't ignore the pull any longer. Immigration, education, insurance reform and more (or lack thereof in any logical manner)...has impassioned me. (Okay it's just damn pissing me off.)

"We" turn against a large population of Americans, we churn out idiocy en mass, we deny people basic medical care. And yet Americans are still afforded the most freedom of any nation, we are the most cared for by our government. I say "afforded" as if it has to be given but in a sense most of the population couldn't make a good decision to save thier lives.

I can't tackle everything and I'm not sure what I can do. Perhaps teaching will be my calling and I can get to the next generation subversively? I don't know.

I do know that I'm restless, as if my passivity in crossing my own t's and dotting my own i's just isn't enough any more. Suddenly I feel responsible for taking care of the goddamn sheeple who can't think and take care of themselves. Or actually I feel the need to kick some asses and wake people the fuck up.

Yeah so my dumb ass is looking at a Masters and Doctorate in Education instead of writing. Funny how goals change huh?

Sunday, July 02, 2006

strange analogy

this may be the last time
I hear the fireworks.


all those years falling
down the well
reaching finding
the only lifeline my own
umbilical to father sky

history repeats itself
and my belly is sore
from all the pulling.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

quiet storm

In my constant quiet
there is a gentle storm


I cannot hear the thunder
past the deafness but see

the trees against the dusk
of the day fading, restless
then still, the lightening
sets the sky aglow, feel
the rain moist like tears,
breathe deep the damp
rich earth that soothes
lips too parched from years

and in my breast a heart
beating soft and sweet,
that cries quiet tears.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


When something silly
hurts you so deep,
I want to tell you

it doesn't matter.
I want to scream

"People are dead
people are DEAD."

But that is my epiphany
and we each must
find our own in time.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

two untitled turtles

Reach out to all but me;
leave me flailing in attempts to please
and eventually I will stop
trying and simply fade away at the lack
of care, of recipricocity.

Brother mine,
in constant tears
you remind me
of what matters
most in life.

Haunt me lest
I lose site of Love.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

a boy from school

Woke up late, napped early,
arose in sluggish heat; fever.

Why so much fever lately?
My ears been sore maybe
and life kinda messed up,
shook up, but I dreamt

of a boy from school.
Not my circle, not my set.

A strange and erotic dream.

Friday, June 23, 2006

new soul meets old

The baby came long time to visit.
Two weeks old and tiny. Healthy.
Asked where he had been. Intent,
He gazed on me, eyes telling me,
Mouth forming tiny coos, trying.
Where have you been, little boy?
What have you seen? Prithee tell.
I spoke to, told him, yes go on...

Missing Ra

The sweet lightness
of kiss and caress,
how once early on
you dove into my arms,
smile a bright white light
that burned and how
we laughed, how I held
you to my bosom
young and free.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


I could feel him dying,
was awake before
the phone ever rang,
had known that eve
when I left his bedside.
I also knew because
I killed you.

And the other?
Blood across town
flowing from slit wrists
and the calm that came;
the next day I sought
you out, your absence

deafening like all
those years in a bond
remaining unseen,
beat down hard like trash
with words that cut
and hurt so deep.

I was dead
like you two boys
so frail; one of body
the other of spirit,
I had no soul
but in your deaths
I live. I live.

truth in advertising

Those who make
claims to uniquity
usually fall short.

I been
for a


Thanos came to court in the eve
of slumber,
on the waves of shadow
did I rest
embraced in cool arms, grazed by
cool lips.
but he held me close in love.

I was a child
with an old soul's recollections
and burdens
but knew love when years passed;
and he came
to wed his girl from long ago
and bring me
peace after so much mourning.

How can I say death warms me?
I do not know.
but thoughts of a rendezvous
in the dark turns
my could heart to an ember's glow.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

naked ass

when did a peeing dog
become more offensive,
than a naked ass?

even misconstrued as
"I mark my territory",
is it really as bad as

the insinuation of
showing ones goods
for free to all, fuck anyone
without knowing them?

even misconstrued as
"possessive friendship"
is it really worth less than

the insinuative offering
of porn and booze.
(here are my panties
fling fling fling.)

When did our sense
of propriety get fucked
and when did we lose
the accountability
of our actions?

i was gonna explain this one and it's only half finished...
but fuck it. i'm tired.

of the many loves - kindred spirit
for ~m...

How do I explain your picture on my desk?
In my wallet when I open it to pay? Ladies
coo and preen, "Ooooh your man, he's so"

Nonono no, my friend, my dear friend and
I gaze down distracted, "yes, cute isn't he?"

The lady's eyes, they light knowingly as if
what I get brings her closer to getting you.
Her reply, low and husky, comes out like
a come on, "yes," as she touches her hair,
flirting with you through me. I smile, coy.

How does one explain kindred spirits -
especially in passing, with so few words?

Your picture in my wallet keeps you close,
my little purse clutched tight beneath my arm
so near my heart, as close as any has come.
It keeps you safe, warm and dear as one
who finds me worth the time to comprehend.

So in my daily gaze upon your face I thank
all powers that be that friendship found me
and accepts I can only be who I can be.

just a note: i have never explained my authorial intent on a piece before (i love the ambiguous translation by the reader to thier own needs) but feel it necessary to do so on this one. i want NO misunderstanding of my intent here. in this piece i have ATTEMPTED to IDEALIZE FRIENDSHIP and how most people can't understand pure and simple kindred spirits and the care of one friend for another. i have ATTEMPTED to exemplify how people always have to read more into FRIENDSHIP. (one of the types of love c.s. lewis speaks of). if i have failed miserably in my ATTEMPT to achieve this affect, i appologize to the reader AND to the FRIEND to which i have dedicated the piece.

on not being seen

It hurts that I say things
point blank but still
am not believed
as if
I would lie
as if
I know nothing
of my own nature
as if
I'm a stupid, inarticulate girl
with no god-given sense
as if
you are deaf and refuse
to accept me freely but force
me into a preconceived mold
what is mold but rot?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

the poet

in our temples alone
we worship love;
we evolve our hearts
more ideal than most
we refuse to settle
taking recompense in
solitude, alone we go

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

gone the way of fairy kings

Yes I can
feel it slipping
And with it
the hard earned
for which I fight
tooth and nail.

I feel it like a
love's caress
gone the way
of fairy kings
into knights of
dreams unrealized.

I feel it like...I
feel it simply

Monday, June 19, 2006

the sun and the snow

there’s a place on a snowy beach
where the sun shone soft in the eve;
it was your heart breaking
the clouds and warming hers.

but let the sun shine on the morrow
on another beach of breezes cool
for she wants someone whole
for you to love, not torn asunder.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

high noon

High noon in Texas
surpassed the hottest hell
of purgatory's dreams:
heat enough even to tire
a woman of steel and
I had already been workin'
in the forge all morn
smithin' words when

a demon in high shiny helm
of a roman fool and brass balls
about as big as a pig
stepped into the street.

Sheeple scurried like rats away
to hide behind barrels and barnacles,
torn circus tents flappin'
in the hot dust I called a cool breeze.

Fucker was sweating an
unnatural stench and I couldn't
tell if his eyeballs were sweatin'
too or if he was gonna cry.

Looking at him almost hurt: wide
staring eyes, balls shining green.
He was a green demon couldn't
even stand the heat.

He had come for the wordsmith,
the Peach whose infamy
crossed four lands
He had come
for the demon slayer.

I let my hardened eyes rest
awhile back on my forge, then
tempered the flue. Dirt and
sweat and ink glistened on
arm, legs and back strong willed.

His name was Deafness, this demon
and he was about to be my bitch
and call me daddy...

Let them come, these demons
when they think me weak
for I will beat down each
and every goddamn one.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

scent of a man

there's a scent of a man
that wanders through the rooms
odd days and odd hours.

I breathe deep the ghost
of mankind, watch the desk drawer
ease open quiet while I
write and smile soft at the comfort.

you lift my heart

The light play of words
in a gentle flirt, your
asking of my well being
and our exchanges deep
concern and care; of our
conversations I never tire
but let you go knowing
the next tine will come
soon and you will lift my
heart again and again
my darling, dearest friend
in kindred spirit I've found.

soothing moans through window panes

Gray skies, the girl cardinals come
and music is left palpable on the tongue,
a vague taste I may soon only recall
like whispers of breathe along flesh.

Ah, the wind and trees bend and sway,
soothing moans through window panes.

Mourning, sarcasm, come weigh
my defection; in such demand of now
my god will I crumble beneath
the weight of more attentive loves and

lovers breaking down doors? Oh aye,
sarcasm as my shield but I did warn.

I mourn losses I lose though likely of
fruits I never would have bourn. Yet at
what gate do we give up dreams in
exchange for other tangible dreams?

At what point do I scream never more,
never more? Shut down the factory of

a heart’s desire? This mostly I mourn.
That little girl heart that outgrew her
turtling talent of turning cold, side-
stepping askew in exchange for fluidity.