Tuesday, April 04, 2006

In the evening of the
hour in which we speak
the settlement arose
in want, and this morn an
old flame to my breast
did I cradle, sadly was I
for in visions today he was
temptation and sorrow past.

And my lost love?
calmly in the window
he that admittedly
never knew how to
handle me with ease.
My lost love? My
love you see is me.
And he? another life. Sadly,
sadly do I sigh for none
and no one my heart
wants to keep.

And the muse,
Love? Channel I through he
and perhaps thee, who knows ever
we shall evidently see.
(No I am not
so sure am I ever really

she leaves me drained

And when it's your mother calling
in tears of "endless sorrow"
not able to come to deal with
the death of her son asking
will you sign things if she becomes
disabled, do you love her?
Will you reply dry eyed,
Yes mom, I will sign them
thinking hell what's another...

And you know
you're full grown then.

Is this the time of which we spoke?

You had mentioned
you could be
too kind and I
in my ready wit
replied without
a doubt that why

when upfront
saves misconstreunce.

Is this the time of which
we spoke? I ask
knowingly that doubt
is belayed and
weakness, my
nemesis intrudes.

Yet also given
way is that I care
enough to think of it.

i lost my edits. myspace seems to shut my whole pc down if i'm in the blog post too long so i have to reconstruct a bit of this....

In reference

n. abstractedness 532.3
inspiration 535.2
poetic source 609.12

Rogets International Thesaurus
c. 1977

where does it say lover
a love, a lobster or a thrill
and yet most would assume...

"You deserve better."

Ah, but I quite adore thee,

therefore give I of myself

exclusively, unconditionally.

And when you are ready

to move on, gracefully

in composure will I sigh.

For now let stand the best

before me while I cry

and know…

I deserve to get what I

fucking want for once

just once in this life.