Saturday, February 04, 2006


That second fall was worse than I thought.

The pain of aches and needs haunting
my restless slumber throughout the night.
Bruised and sprained, a pulling in the abs,
the back and up around the heart. This morning
nap after nap, and roaming about free, foregoing
the struggle of everyday bindings.

Been a long time since I was bruised, felt sore;
the good, clean kind of hurt from over exertion;
the lights, the music, the laughter and joy.
Been a while since I took any chances
but I guess I was about due and so I stepped forth.
Consciously have I indulged fully aware

life is not lived in books and thought. Though
it is knowing what I need, it is not lived in strict
ideals but weights and measures, for it is lived
in taking the chance of falling, getting bruised...
