Sunday, March 27, 2005

Twice last week I
Felt the urge to mark
Denoting ownership.

Instead I turned and took
A long deep look
At what
Could be stirring
In my heart...

Happy where I am
Happy where we are
Happy that I know
Not where we’re going
But hope we’ll go

I can only say
That on that day
My need was great
And you were far
From touching me.

Just a little cut to make a scar
The thought of it and I breathe
So very shallow, lids heavy
Half inebriated in passions
Hold I sucked on smooth
Skin thinking…just a little cut.

Plain spoken I regret
My reaction that night
Though not what I conveyed,
only the how.
And I have never known
Regret even when
I broke faith or when
I killed my brother.

I worry too damn much
I also feel too deep
And give to a fault…
But I care long and hard
With the need to be clear.
I only know in your embrace
I feel safe and warm, smiling,
Bright bubbly peach conflicted:
The myriad abstract potentials
Playing like fire in the heart;
Commitment or hurt both
Of which would burn forever…
Both of which I fear.