Happy day
Spent in thoughts
(Streaming ninety-miles to nothing.)
As are the rest.
I think too much but
It’s not like I can
Stop them. I grew
Up alone in a full
House, don’t think
I’d know what to do
Without them. They
Are just who I am;
Words falling out
Filling the white
Space sweetly.
Forgot how to play silly
Somewhere along the way when
I kept trying
But he kept not listening.
No, still knew how, just stopped doing.
I like the doing.
Set mother aside recently – again.
She never understood how her drama
Just keeps killing me or how history
Really, really can’t be rewritten.
Along that line,
When did my past become a story upon
Which I may reflect, knowing it is has
Formed me wondrously and yet no longer
Affectually. I outgrew it, stormed past
On a blazing day looking ahead. Yet it may
Still hold relevance in knowing me.
Yes I just want to live and love,
Write it all down. Feed my soul
Fortune cookies and alliteration.
Hmmm, yes, today
I think I may
Go a darling
Light strawberry