Ah, you,
The hard work you’ve put into your life,
The core of you thrills me
With admiration, respect, and a thirst
For life.
My life,
My strife
Seems weightless
With the depths of you.
Are you excited?
Do you wake up each day excited?
Work two jobs, go to school,
Take care of dogs, of house, of bills,
And even sometimes of self.
Everyday is so fucking beautiful.
When I killed my brother,
For I did you know, in
The denotative sense of the word,
My mind began
It’s shift. Subconscious
Spread to conscious and truth and the world,
The world turned
Altogether too bright.
I approached watching
Through half closed lids,
Doubling over in the agony of despair.
I shuffled my feet forward.
The brightness, the burning
It’s still blinding but
Now I look full on and
Mark it’s beauty in searing passion
For life and truth.
Some things are just
A part of me, my
Story written in blood like ink.
They make me who I am.
That shy girl unsure,
Yet always independant now
Rushes forward at the shiny
She wants to hold and cherish and adore.