In a 24/7 unmitigated need, I have thought so long, so hard. I set that aside now to feed my soul for it is a part of me just like the rest. You can only beat yourself up for so long or until your arms get tired. I am breathing, JS, just like you told me I should and the stillness is deafening, all I can hear is the beating of my heart and the pulsing of my veins, the throbbing. It feels right for now. Slept poorly last night, dreamed lovely things and oddness. Too much water, too late in the day? Perhaps and then there is the new day coming and I am nervous, excited, the future is variable and tentative, it thrills me, challenges me. And schools starts soon, ink on paper, hands caressing cracked spines, more challenge and my mind is alive and soaring along with my soul.
I am antithetical to myself and for all the strength of mountains I too hold the same in gold's weight of snowflakes. I am flesh and blood of desire and passion. I am thought in need of intellect and challange. I am human in respect and admiration. I am me.